Azurite-This deep blue stone is a stonepar excellence for developing your intuitionand stimulating your third eye. Called the "stone of heaven," Azurite is likened to the vibration of the blue ray.
Azuritestimulates intuitive guidance and psychic abilitiesand enhances dreams and channeling states. It can help eliminate worry, stress, grief, and indecision.
It clears fears and phobias and helps you release old belief systems that no longer serve you. It helps you move forward without fear and allows you to reach for new insights and endeavors with positivity.
Azurite stimulates intellect and intuition and helps to expand the mind. It canheal holes in the aura, making you less vulnerable to psychic attacks and fatigue.
It enhances creativity and self-confidence and stimulates one's compassionate and empathic nature.
Malachiteis considered thestone of transformation. If you are looking to elicit profound change in your life, this is your stone. It is blunt and direct, and you can't hide from its message. It will help you to see even the darkest corners of yourself.
It protectsyoufrom negative energies and is a shield from nuclear and electromagnetic radiation. It can open the heart to unconditional love and is excellent support for those needing to heal the relationship with the divine masculine or from the not-so-divine masculine.
It also works to develop willpower and is helpful for people needing torefuse temptations.It can release emotions related to traumas that one can or cannot remember. It can help you attain goals by allowing you to see why you're stuck and help you clear the obstacles in your path.
Country of origin: Morocco
Roughly 7cm x 7cm